800 Values

800 Values No.701~800 (Revised Version)

701–722   The Whole World will be Unified in the New Era 723–742   Ruling by Conforming to Tao (Tao Te Ching) 743–758   Health-cultivation Rules 759–785   Ancient Sages’ Maxim 789–798   Science Development and Lifechanyuan Values 799–800   Conclusion (Updated […]

800 Values

800Values No.401~500 (Revised 2022)

401–439  Views on the Universe, Space and Time in the New Era 440–460(499、500)Tao 461–476(497、498)the Way of Becoming Celestial Being 477–500  The Kingdom of Heaven and How to Enter Heaven (Updated by Tongxin Celestial on Feb 16, 2023) […]

800 Values

800 Values No.301~400

301–319  Thinking Refinement & Magical Power of Thinking 320–345  Mental Methods of Self-improvement 346–378  LIFE & LIFE’s Space 379–400  Mental Methods of Self-refinement   301. Order is essential for high efficiency; disorder only creates busyness, tiredness, and low performance. […]