The Paradise Home without Marriage and Family–New Oasis for Life
Thailand Branch
22 Bright Spots of New Life Mode
22 Bright Spots of New Life ModeWritten by Yixian on January 28, 2014 (Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer) Many people consider that offices are where bosses, officials, and the white collar staff work. It seems that those who work in [...]
22 Bright Spots of New Life ModeWritten by Yixian on January 15, 2014 (Translated by Tongxin and Edited by Kaer) Besides the serene, beautiful, and natural environment, and the harmonious human environment, the Second Home has another important characteristic — freedom. Freedom [...]
22 Bright Spots of New Life ModeWritten by Yixian on January 16, 2014 (Translated by Tongxin and Edited by Kaer) The core principles of Lifechanyuan are: Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and walk on the way of the Greatest [...]