Let Us Unite as One

Dear Intentional Communities and Ecovillages around the world:

Lifechanyuan sincerely invite you to build the international family with us, and let’s unite as one family.

In April, 2009, Lifechanyuan created an intentional community – the Second Home – in China, which is now called the New Oasis for Life. We were having 180 members at peak. With more than eight years of practice, we achieved many successes, and have many successful experiences to share. In November 2016, we were forced to disband because of the pressure from government; in September 2017, the community was rebuilt in Canada.

The development of any community will encounter four difficulties:

1. Shortness of funds

2. A gradual departure of young members

3. Inner management will find it difficult to overcome a growing rigidity of its own system

4. A constant threat of pressure from local governments

In order to solve these four difficulties, the only way is to unite other communities around the world as one international family to face them together.

After uniting as one international family, every community can learn from each others’ strong points, close the gap, help each other when facing difficulties, and exchange members among communities. For example, community A can send its members to live and work in communities B, C, and D, as members from those communities do the same in community A and among each other. Therefore, the members of international family can move freely like flowing water, which would attract young members, help solve managerial issues, and soothe the pressure when encountering resistance from government.

In order to form our international family, we have made some theoretical preparations. Our core values are collected in the third edition of 800 Values for New Era Human Being. In practice, we have groped out a set of effective experiences which can be used in your community.

Our websites are:

1. http://www.newoasisforlife.org

2. http://www.chanyuan.org

After uniting as an international family,we would have one annual meeting. All communities can send representatives to attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss solutions for any difficulties that we all face and make plans for our continued development.

You are welcome to ask any questions and we will answer them thoroughly. If you do not think our solutions are the best, please offer yours, and we will adopt the plans that are best for us.

We were registered as an incorporated NPO (non-profit organization) in British Columbia, Canada under the name, “Lifechanyuan International Family Society”.

Please check this website for more details:


You are very welcome to contact us for further details, and we are looking forward to you to  join us in this international big family!


Founder of Lifechanyuan

December 24, 2017

Visits: 68


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