Practising what they preach! World Health Organisation officials ALL dance to Fall Out Boy song to de-stress during a high-level meeting in Geneva

The World Health Organisation's first high-level meeting of the year stopped to destress from heightening tensions to dance to pop-punk band Fall Out Boy

By Bridie Pearson-jones For Mailonline

  • World Health Organisation’s first high-level meeting of the year stopped to de-stress from heightening tensions – by dancing to a 2013 hit by Fall Out Boy
  • Officials danced to ‘My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)’
  • The Chair of the executive board wanted to incorporate exercise into the summit following suggestions from the Thai delegation as part of Move For Health
  • Executive Board  is currently in its 142nd session in Geneva, Switzerland

The World Health Organisation’s first high-level meeting of the year stopped to destress from heightening tensions to dance to pop-punk band Fall Out Boy on the floor on the executive board room in Geneva.

The WHO senior officials rose to dance to the 2013 hit ‘My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)’ by the four-piece band.

Senior civil servants, government officials and health ministers of nations across the world were attending the meeting when they broke out into dance.

The Chair of the executive board of the WHO wanted to incorporate exercise into the summit following suggestions from the Thai delegation.

The movement was secretly pre-planned by the Chair of the meeting after a call, yesterday, from Thailand to increase the exercise incorporated to the meeting. 

Following a video on screen to copy, officials including Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus danced to the hit from the American band’s fifth studio album Save Rock and Roll. 

The two minute exercise appeared to ease tensions before the officials returned to their seats at the summit in Geneva. 

The Executive Board of the World Health Organisation is currently in session its 142nd session.

It is composed of 34 members technically qualified in the field of health, who are elected for three-year terms. 

The main functions of the Board is to give effect to the decisions and policies of the World Health Assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its work. 

The WHO tweeted the video of them performing the dance, with the caption ‘WHO walks the talk!’

In 2002, WHO launched an initiative called ‘Move for Health’ which encouraged people to exercise during work hours.   

The World Health Organisation's first high-level meeting of the year stopped to destress from heightening tensions to dance to pop-punk band Fall Out Boy

Senior civil servants, government officials and health ministers of nations across the world were attending the meeting when they broke out into dance


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