What is Death? – “The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 1(B)

The Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.6

Modern People who are Trapped in the Ego and have Forgotten the Great System of this World

There is a significant difference between humans and animals; humans can become aware of the ego. Animals also have an ego, but it is instinctive and not what they are trapped in. However, the human ego stands at the side of themselves, which they become attached to.

The universe in which we live always continues to change and transform, which is its reality. But, humans, who have developed an ego, came to fix themselves and maintain their same state, rather than change according to the universal law. When a human (人) enters a frame (□), it becomes the Chinese character for “constraint (囚).” In this manner, people have confined themselves in the frame of the ego. Moreover, they have forgotten that this world is a chain of life in which everything supports each other, and they are a part of it.

This world is a network of life in which independent individuals are connected by an altruistic system. Every single human soul has an original individuality. When they are connected with each other and become one collectivity, they create an abundant world full of diversity. However, when we look at each individuality, it is also “one-sided.”

When a one-sided person has forgotten to collaborate with others and lives for self-satisfaction, the world will develop problems which are appropriate to its imbalance, and it will reach a dead end. This world makes humans experience their own imbalance through a deadlock, and learn the importance of connecting with each other. However, the more humans put their consciousness toward “themselves,” the stronger the human ego becomes, for which they have lost sight of this system. They are trapped in only visible values, have forgotten that the whole is the collectivity of individuals, and have sought their own happiness. As a result, individualities, which are supposed to complement each other and enrich the world due to diversity, came to make conflicts due to this diversity and generate disharmony in the world. Then, they have brought various issues both to the world and humans.

The Eternal Self Exists Deep Inside of You

We show our will by crying as soon as we are born, and seek eating and sleeping. It is an instinctive action to survive, but it is not our life purpose.

This world is a so-called fabric of life. Numerous lives weave the circulation of life under the five natural elements of earth, water, fire, wind and air, which are expressions of the expansion of the natural ecosystem (the phenomenal world). On the other hand, there is the circulation for the home of souls (the potential world), which is the source of all lives. The original energy as the source of life which comes from there always continues to give a fresh life force to us.












Yin exists first in this world, and yang is generated based on it. Yin is the thread in the fabric of life, and yang is the cloth. However, modern people are trapped in only visible matters, and have forgotten the existence of this thread. The world has lost sight of the thread and has become confused to the origination of the visible world. As a spinning top which loses its axis, the world has continued to be in a wavering and unstable state. However, no matter how much we do not recognize that existence, we are constantly given life in the circulation of the thread and cloth. Our true purpose of being born in this world is to gain the body, live in the phenomenal world, and polish our souls which are behind the visible body through phenomena. This plays the role of being the fundamental axis of how we live.

Unless we incessantly breathe, eat and excrete, we cannot survive. We can say that living is a state in which we are bound by the body, and also bound by water, soil and air. However, originally, souls are infinite existences.

The eternal self exists behind the figure which you think is “yourself.” When we remove the constraint of the self, the unknown world which we have never encountered will expand. Infinite possibilities are hidden within humans.








A long time ago, there was only light in this world. If we are in only light, we cannot see it. God, who was the perfect light itself, was bored. “I cannot know myself because I am perfect.”

Then, God divided its perfect body. God created darkness to understand what light is, and threw it to the farthest point from himself. God created a very long path to return to the original light.

Admission into a School of the Earth

Each one of numerous souls which floats in the universe is very unique. Because it was divided from the perfect oneness, every single soul is imperfect, one-sided, and has an original individuality. However, the souls cannot see their own figures as they are. “How can I understand myself?” Then, the planet Earth was created by the universal consensus. The souls came down on earth together, gained perfect forms and personalities which were appropriate to their individualities, and began a tour of experiencing the global ecosystem.

Many things occur on earth every day. The souls, which have gained a body had various experiences throughout life, and came to know who they were through these experiences. What kind of vibrancy we emit changes the events we encounter. “I see. I am such an existence.”

The flow of time is majestic, and changes are very slow in the universe. However, phenomena occur one after another in the system of repeating changes, transformation and transfiguration here on earth. In such a situation, the paths of souls are diverse. Some learn from the events they encounter one after another, and evolve rapidly. Some are trapped by visible matters, forget the purpose of coming to earth, and repeat the same thing many times. It is like they entered the school of the earth.

When the expiration date for learning finally comes, souls face graduation in the form of “death.” They return to a different dimensional universe which is appropriate to their level of awareness.

Earth is the only place where souls can know who they are and evolve. After they end their learning, they return to the universe with a report card from the earth school. Then, they come to the earth again to learn, thinking “Alright, I will learn more this time!” after a while.

In order to Make the Whole Universe Beautiful

Stars in the universe are interestingly watching the process for the evolution of souls on earth. When the souls, which have gained a body through coming to earth, enhance themselves and become aware of the truth, stars react to it, and the center of the galaxy billows and becomes astir. Even if it is only one soul, if it is excellent, it has such an influence on the universe.

Currently, the souls, which came down on earth as humans, live with a very narrow worldview. They are trapped in the ego and have lost sight of their life purpose. It seems as if they are distracting themselves out of their fear of death, while trying hard to gratify their own desires. As a result, problems have overflowed in the world.

However, the era surely moves toward the direction of light. Since God put darkness in the farthest point from himself, we have experienced what darkness is, have repeated life and death so many times, and have taken a path to return to the original world of light.

Now that the era has faced the 21st century, we have entered a new cycle from the year 2000 to the year 3000. This means that humans living on earth have faced the era when they become aware of the true meaning of life. It is different from the conventional era when one sacred person appeared and preached teachings, and people who sought help swarmed to get them. When each one of us awakens to what is sleeping inside of ourselves, we will become precious and live. Such an era has finally arrived.

We have faced the era when we evolve from the existence of one who is trapped with the ego and brings confusion to the world, to one who expresses the true value of humans on earth and brings the right order to this world for all living beings. When each one of the souls becomes beautiful, the earth and the universe will become beautiful.

In order to do so, we should remove the constraint of the “ourselves.”

Visits: 7


  1. A very interesting story.”In order to do so, we should remove the constraint of the ‘ourselves.'”

  2. The first paragraph attracts me. We attached to our ego while animals won’t. That means we have much more posessions than animals.

  3. Moreover, they have forgotten that this world is a chain of life in which everything supports each other, and they are a part of it.——–Yes, we become center of the world,and we forget about other living beings and nature. We only want to make use of them.

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